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Products in: /Lipshine
Image Description Price  
Sunset Shimmer Lipshine Sunset Shimmer Lipshine
Add rich colour and high shine. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba oil to moisturise and soften. Use on their own or ove…
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Glazed Berry Lipshine Glazed Berry Lipshine
Add rich colour and high shine. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba oil to moisturise and soften. Use on their own or ove…
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Radiant Rose Lipshine Radiant Rose Lipshine
Add rich colour and high shine. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba oil to moisturise and soften. Use on their own or ove…
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Sparkling Wine Lipshine Sparkling Wine Lipshine
Add rich colour and high shine. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba oil to moisturise and soften. Use on their own or ove…
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Dazzling Bronze Lipshine Dazzling Bronze Lipshine
Add rich colour and high shine. Enriched with Vitamin E and Jojoba oil to moisturise and soften. Use on their own or ove…
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